With credit card fraud on the rise, the financial risk to merchants accepting credit cards has also increased exponentially. Losses to merchants on bogus transactions involving methods such as phishing, cramming, and using number generating schemes to attempt to find active account numbers are approaching a billion dollars annually.
One of the most effective methods to significantly reducing this risk is by utilizing the Merchant PIN feature in the gateway. This tool will help eliminate potential fraudulent attacks from outside of the Virtual Terminal by preventing the transaction from ever entering the Gateway. Enabling Merchant PIN today, can potentially save you thousands of dollars in decline charges due to fraudulent transactions on your account. I highly recommend that you enable this feature today.
To enable Merchant PIN, log into the Online Merchant Center (https://www.onlinemerchantcenter.com). In the left side navigation under FRISK Management, click on configure Options. Scroll down to the section labeled “API Controls”. Click Edit next to Merchant PIN. From here, you can either create your own Merchant PIN or have the system auto generate one for you. Once you’ve created your merchant PIN, under the section labeled Merchant PIN for Transaction Processing, select “Require Merchant PIN for transaction processing and click Update.
If you only use the Online Merchant Center to process transactions through the Virtual Terminal you are finished and are protected against unauthorized fraudulent transactions. If you utilize an external application to connect to the Online Merchant Center to process transactions you will need to add Merchant PIN to that application.
If you have any questions regarding Merchant PIN or need help implementing it please contact our support team at:
- Email – [email protected]
- Toll Free – 1-866-242-9933
Our support team is available Monday through Friday from 6 am to 6 pm (PST).
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