Maintenance Notification: 2019-001

by | Feb 15, 2019 | Maintenance

Change Title: BLI Firewall Replacement
Change Type: Routine
Risk: Low
Maintenance Date: February 26th and February 27th
Maintenance Window: 9 pm – 2 am (PST)
Expected Downtime (min): 0
Services Impacted: Bellingham Data Center
Expected Impact: During the maintenance window the BLI Data Center will have no, or sporadic connectivity.  All processing will be routed to the Arizona Data Center.  There will be no impact for:

  1. Merchants utilizing 1st MILE Payment Application (version 1.3.47 or greater)
  2. Private Label Gateways that were integrated into the Wide IP Infrastructure
  3. Independent Software Vendors that integrated to redundant data centers

Private Labeled Gateways that have not integrated with our Wide IP infrastructure will experience transaction processing delays during the maintenance period.


If you have any questions, please contact support at 866-242-9933 or [email protected].